I don't know that much about chickens, but if they (the other chickens) pick and peek her, they'll probably eventually kill her. I see an indoor future for Pearl in the man-house.

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Believe me, I’ve definitely thought about having her inside with me!

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Jun 17Liked by J.R. Spiers

So very sorry for the loss...I like to think that those we cherish live on in our hearts and memories...Bessie and Amelia are also immortalized and shared with so many in what you write of their lives...my heart goes out to you and Pearl.

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Thank you so very much! Pearl and I have started our first full week alone and together. It is easier knowing that we have friends around the world like you.

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I'm so sorry this has happened!!! What do you do in a case like this? Will Pearl accept "new" friends? I would imagine she's suffering from loneliness.

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Thank you so much. We are going to take things one step at a time. Pearl had been isolated from the others since Blanche became ill (The two of them were isolated in their old coop in case it was something contagious) but the others never accepted Pearl back after Blanche left us. They picked and pecked on Pearl because she was often clumsy and never really fit in like a “good, normal chicken.” While re-editing “The Great Gardener’s Son” this weekend, I was surprised at how much it said in a hope-filled way about the death of our animal friends.

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Jun 15Liked by J.R. Spiers

May the Great Gardener’s Son comfort you in your loss of Bessie and Amelia.

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As I did another proofreading through “The Great Gardener’s Son,” I found so many parts that were about the death of a pet, and they were comforting to me. This was reassurance that I’m on the right path. Thank you!!!

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My condolences on losing Bessie and Amelia-I know what a central part of your work they were.

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Thank you, David. I appreciate that you took the time to get to know them through my work. They always perked up whenever I read one of your stories to them. Now, it’s just Pearl and me, but we are going to keep going. Thanks again!

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super illustrations!

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Thank you so much! It’s comments like yours that makes me feel that the time is well-spent! (Along with all those dollars on college drawing and design courses!)

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your most welcome. looking forward to more...🐔

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